Weekend Events: Outdoor Music, Art and Beer
Cary, NC – This weekend is filled with events across Cary for people of all interests so plan out your time with friends and family.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Triangle Wine on Davis Drive is holding a wine tasting event, with an array of different wines to taste and sample along with hors d’œuvres. There will also be wine reps there to answer questions and help tasters. The event starts at 6:30 PM.
The Cary Theater is showing back-to-back movies about famous, counter-culture artists. First, at 7 PM, the theater is screening the documentary Hockney about the painter, photographer and designer David Hockney. Then, at 9:15 PM, there is a showing of the movie Born to be Blue, based on the life and work of jazz trumpeter Chet Baker, played by Ethan Hawke.
The Cary Cross Trailers are holding a square dancing club at the Cary United Methodist Church. In their Fellowship Hall, gather to participate in organized square dancing, beginning at 7:30 PM. Visitors are welcome.
For more Thursday events, check out our calendar.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Dance at the Annandale Center is a free Scottish dance class and dancing session at the Annandale Center in Cary. The dancing starts at 4 PM so start the weekend right and bring a friend.
Paint the Town Auction is a chance to auction and buy the art local Cary painters made of town landscapes and scenery in early May. The Cary Arts Center will be turned into a nightclub as you and other Cary art fans come and see the work your neighbors have done. Admission is free at it starts at 6 PM.
Both Friday and Saturday, it’s the John Williams Festival as part of Booth Amphitheater’s SummerFest 2016. The North Carolina Symphony will be performing the music of famous film composer John Williams, with a performance including the music of Harry Potter on Friday and the music of Star Wars on Saturday. Doors open at 5:30 PM.
To find more Friday events, go to our calendar.

A local artist taking part in Paint the Town. Artists like him will have their work up for auction on Friday.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Inside Out 5K is a race to raise money for childhood mental health programs. Starting at the Lucy Daniels Center, there are also options to walk the length instead. The race begins at 7:30 AM.
Acoustic Nights in the District is a free outdoor music series starting in June every Friday and Saturday until October 22. Local musicians will play at the Stone Theater outside of Park West 14. This weekend, the performers are Jacob Lutz on Friday and Sarah Baumgarden on Saturday. It starts at 6 PM.
The Honey Dewdrops are playing a free show in Bond Park at the Sertoma Amphitheater. They are a couple who work together in their band, harmonizing their vocals and using a wide ensemble of instruments, ranging from the clawhammer banjo to the guitar. Starting at 6 PM, the show is sponsored in part by PineCone.
For more on Saturday’s events, check out our calendar.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Downtown Food and Flea is this Sunday, with vendors, food trucks and craft breweries setting up in Ashworth Village to sell their goods. The fun runs from noon to 4 PM.
Garden Supply Co. is holding a Junkyard Container Workshop. Staff will help you really get creative and turn your junk into beautiful containers filled with flowers. Whether its an old colander, shoe, desk drawer or rusted pot, bring your treasure and Garden Supply Co. designers will help you imagine something beautiful. The class starts at 2 PM and you need to register in advance on the Garden Supply Co. website.
The Cary Theater is continuing its “Sundays with Truffaut” series with a screening of “The Soft Skin.” It follows a lurid affair between a famous writer and an airline hostess and serves as an excellent example of “French New Wave” cinema. The movie starts at 2 PM.
More Sunday events are on our calendar.
Around the Triangle
Bob Rankin‘s gallery of his paintings is now open to the public at the Raleigh 311 Gallery. Every day from 11:30 AM to 4 PM, you can go and see Rankin’s depiction of water and coasts in his “Water Treatment” series, with geometry and sweeping brushes used to give shape to the shapeless.
Hepcat is a yearly scavenger hunt in Raleigh, done entirely on bicycle. Move throughout Raleigh, hitting various checkpoints in this secret trail. Money from the race go to support SAFE Haven for Cats, Raleigh’s no-kill cat shelter. Registration is done through Oak City Cycling Project and the race starts there at 1 PM.
Junetober Fest is a day of German culture in Durham, complete with German food, music, dancing and beer. Local breweries will be there with their beers at the Durham Co-Op Market, running from 2 to 6 PM.
Story by staff reports. For more info, check out the CaryCitizen events calendar. Photos by Hal Goodtree.