Cary Scavenger Hunt: Register by Sept. 1 to Guarantee T-Shirts
Cary, NC – The CaryCitizen’s Cary Scavenger Hunt is coming up soon on Saturday, September 17, 2016. Maybe you’ve heard of it if you’ve been reading our newsfeed. But did you know that in order to guarantee that your team gets our cool t-shirts to wear during the day, you need to register by Thursday, September 1?
That’s right! For our shirts to arrive on time, we place our order with a local screen printer on Thursday, September 1, 2016. That’s more than two weeks in advance of the event! We want to guarantee that every team member receives a cool Scavenger Hunt tee. But if teams wait, they may be wearing an assortment of past years’ shirts like these folks below.
This Year We Don’t Have Inventory
Luckily for them, CaryCitizen kept some stock in shirts from 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014. This year we don’t have many left – in fact we ran out of ALL of the green 2015 shirts prior to our event. That meant sponsors did not get shirts and many teams appeared throughout the day in a mixed combo of “golden oldies.”
No Extra Youth or 2XL Sizes
We always order extra adult sizes (small through extra large) based on past years’ ordering patterns. But for youth sizes and 2XL, we order exactly what has been registered by our order date of Thursday, September 1. We outfit all of our volunteers in shirts too, and we also like to pass out shirts to all event sponsors. They can’t use kids sizes or 2XL’s (and we pay more for those!) If you need these sizes, we suggest you get your team registered NOW!
It’s just like when you register for a race. Sign-up early and everything is great. Sign-up at the last minute, you may not get shirts.

Past winners the Riddle E-Racers wearing souvenir shirts from left to right: 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014 and holding their 2015 shirts
Registering Now = Guaranteed Shirts
So DON’T wait, get your team together and you all will be wearing this year’s coolest shirt ever. Guaranteed. Our 2016 shirts will be “Sky Blue” with be a distressed tonal logo on the front. We’ve heard they are collectors items. Check out the Riddle E Racers (above) who last year showed up to check-in wearing a shirt from every year they had previously competed. It kind of psyched-out the other teams…but that’s another story.
Event Info
The 2016 Cary Scavenger Hunt will take place Saturday, September 17, 2016.
Start and Finish: Page-Walker Arts & History Center (inclement weather moves into Town Hall)
119 Ambassador Loop
Check-in from 8:30 AM to 9:15 AM
Hunt takes place from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM when all teams must return
Winners announced at 3 PM
Register NOW
Story by Lindsey Chester.