Photos: Local Knitters Fundraise for Alzheimer’s Research

Cary, NC – With the holiday season in full swing, people are not only thinking about what to buy for loved ones but how to give back to their community. And with a fundraiser this past weekend, Waltonwood Cary Parkway found a way to combine these two.

Handmade With Care

Waltonwood Cary Parkway’s knitting group worked to make scarves and Winter hats to raise money for Alzheimer’s North Carolina and the Alzheimer’s Association, two research groups looking for a cure to Alzheimer’s. The issue is doubling important to the knitting group as Waltonwood has residents with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

On Saturday and Sunday, December 3 and 4, 2016, the residents who knit the Winter clothes sold their goods at Waltonwood, with the public invited to come out and participate.





Story by staff reports. Photos courtesy of Waltonwood Cary Parkway.