Harold’s Blog: NW Cary Resurfacing, Cuban Baseball Team and More
Cary, NC – This was a very slow week in the mayor’s office.
Monday – Planning for the Week
Monday I met with the town manager for about an hour and a half. It was mostly catching up on issues and enjoying each other’s company. Cary is so fortunate to have Stegall as our town manager.

Weinbrecht with Mayor Pro Tem Ed Yerha, Councilmember Jack Smith, former Mayor Koka Booth, local artist Jerry Miller and Councilmember Jennifer Robinson
Tuesday – Fourth of July
Tuesday was the big Fourth of July celebration. As it has been in the past I was asked to give remarks between the Cary Town Band performance and the North Carolina Symphony performance. I started by recognizing the amphitheater’s namesake Koka Booth followed by recognition of council members present: Mayor Pro-Tem Yerha, Jack Smith, and Jennifer Robinson. Then I talked about the meaning of the stars and stripes and asked veterans and those who are currently serving to stand and receive thanks from all in attendance. After my remarks the symphony provided a remarkable performance. The finale of fireworks lasted over 30 minutes. Except for the very young who were upset by the boom of the fireworks everyone enjoyed the show.

Weinbrecht with Cuban First Secretary Miguel Fraga and Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Director Doug McRainey
Thursday – Cuba vs. USA Baseball Game
Thursday I had the honor and privilege of throwing out the first pitch at the Cuba versus USA baseball game. I was joined by First Secretary Miguel Fraga of the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba who also threw out a pitch. The USA baseball team and the Cuba National team have been playing each other for years. They alternate locations with this year being in Cary and next year being in Cuba. Mr. Fraga, a very kind and personable gentleman, invited me to join the USA team when they travel to Cuba next year. That would be a special trip. I guess I had better start saving up now. The Cuba National team won the game 7-2 after losing the first three games.
Town Manager’s Report
The town manager’s weekly report included the following:
Permits Hitting Record Highs
During the month of June, Inspections & Permits issued 194 single family permits. This is the most single family permits issued in a month in years. Historical permitting data can be found on the Town’s website. This data shows that June’s permitting activity is the most since at least 2009.
Morrisville Parkway Extension & NC540 Interchange
Preliminary construction activities are underway! Earlier this year, Cary entered into a Utility Relocation Agreement to address Duke Energy facilities that are in conflict with this project. Now that the right of way acquisition process is complete, we are moving forward with the utility relocation phase of the project. Addressing utility conflicts in advance of road construction will help expedite the project and minimize the risk of accidental damage and service outages during construction. By the end of the year, the majority of utility conflicts will be addressed enabling construction to begin in 2018.
NW Cary Resurfacing & Rehabilitation Project
Contractors working on behalf of the Town began work this week on resurfacing poorly rated streets within the vicinity of NW Cary Parkway. The concrete removal and replacement will require a one-way detour. Detour and project information can be found on our website. The major construction taking place under the detours is planned to be complete in late August.
Bond Park Lake Trail Bridge Replacement Project
Last week, contractors working on behalf of the Town began work on the Bond Lake Bridge replacement. The new design will include paved trails running parallel to the sewer lines crossing culverts over the creek. The previously damaged wooden bridge was removed by PW after the storms last year. We will also be replacing three sewer piers on a 24″ aerial sewer line that were also partially washed out from the storm. Construction is expected to last 90 days.
2017 Sewer Smoke Testing Completed
The 2017 smoke testing focused on the MacGregor sewer service area between Old Apex Road and SW Cary Parkway, south to US1 and US65. This testing was completed on June 30. More than 1,300 manholes and 47 miles of sewer lines were tested. There were 367 leaks identified with the majority caused by damaged cleanout caps that have now been replaced. No major issues were identified.
Thanks go to Utilities and Public Works for their amazing partnership working together to complete smoke testing and make all necessary repairs.
Tree Planting Tips & Updates
This summer, we’re demonstrating our commitment to preserving and protecting our natural resources by focusing on the health of our urban forest. We have taken the following measures to ensure we follow industry best practices for proper mulching and to support our citizens’ efforts to do the same:
- In the process of updating our Mulching Standard Operating Procedure
- Shared tips on mulching in the Town’s July BUD monthly newsletter
- Recorded a “Cary it Green” segment that is airing in the July BUD TV on Cary TV 11 and our YouTube channel
- Updated our “Tree Planting and Care” webpage
Tidbit: While mounding mulch up too high and too deep around the tree trunk, also known as “volcano mulching,” may be aesthetically pleasing to some, it is always bad news for tree growth and development. When mulching, think 3x3x3: three inches of mulch deep, at least three inches away from the trunk, in a circle 3 feet wide or to the edge of the canopy when possible.
We’d like to welcome Kelly Blazey to the Town as our new Transit Services Administrator. Kelly brings a wealth of transit experience to our Town and is very passionate about municipal government. She is coming from Fayetteville, where she worked for the City as the Assistant Director of Transit.
And a huge round of applause goes to all employees involved in planning and implementing the many Fourth of July events around Town that were so successful and meaningful to our citizens!
Emails From Citizens
Emails from citizens this week included:
- A compliment on the plan to bridge over the railroad on Harrison Avenue.
- A complaint about the Jordan project that will soon be submitted for downtown.
- A complaint that the Cary police are racially profiling Indian Americans with traffic tickets (that is absolutely false).
- Concerns about the intersection at Green Level Church Road and O’Kelly Chapel Road (these are state roads not Cary roads)
- A request to do a resolution against gerrymandering in the state (council’s practice is to not do resolutions on issues at the state and national level that can be viewed as partisan. Instead we would like to stay focused on issues within our authority).
Next week’s activities include a meeting with the town manager, a meeting with the metro mayors, and a quasi-judicial council meeting.
Get In Touch
Well, that is all for this week. My next post will be on Sunday, July 16th. Although I have Facebook and Twitter accounts those are not the best means of communications with me. Please send all Town of Cary questions or comments to Harold.Weinbrecht@townofcary.org and email personal comments to augustanat@mindspring.com.
From the blog of Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht. Photos courtesy of Harold Weinbrecht.