Business Bits: Waverly Place, New Restaurants and More
Cary, NC – Several new restaurants opened in Cary and Morrisville this month, plus new businesses are open in Waverly Place and much more.

In the Arboretum off of N Harrison Avenue, kō•än is opening in the former An location this August. kō•än is from the former owner of bu•ku and will focus on Southeast Asian cuisine, including Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and more.
Now open in Morrisville’s Park West Village, Hickory Tavern has its third Wake County location.
Mediterranean bakery Asali Desserts and Café has its Grand Opening on Saturday, June 29. The bakery will be open in MacGregor Village.
Waverly Place
Now open in Waverly Place, Level Red Boxing is a boxing fitness studio.
Also, dry cleaners European Cleaners is also open in Waverly Place now.
And IT training center INE is now open in Waverly Place as well.

Downtown Cary
Now open in Olde Cary Commons, ReStyle Boutique is a new consignment clothing store.
Cary Convenience and Tobacco on W Chatham Street is renaming and reopening as Smokin’ Aces.
Story by staff reports. Photos by Lindsey Chester and Cara Grace Powell, f8 Photo Studios.