Entries by Harold Weinbrecht

Harold’s Blog: Cary Teachers, World Record Broken and More

Monday evening I joined council members Smith, Frantz, Yerha, and George at the Booth amphitheater for the Honor a Teacher Awards Ceremony put on by the Cary Chamber of Commerce. Each school with Cary students had five nominations with one winner picked that received $1000 and over $800 for school supplies. The money for the school supplies was provided by the North Carolina Legislators. The money for the awards was provided by various business sponsors including the Town of Cary.

Harold’s Blog: Quarterly Meeting, Historic Preservation and More

Monday I attended the Cary Chamber’s elected official’s reception. In attendance were Cary council members, Wake County School board members, judges, and NC Representative Gale Adcock who escaped budget meetings long enough to thank everyone. In my brief remarks I talked about how no one politician can get anything done by themselves. It takes working together to get anything done.

Harold’s Blog: Transportation Plans, Cary Fire Department and More

Monday I met with the town manager for our weekly one-on-one. Topics included a potential bond referendum, downtown businesses, the land development ordinance, the mall site, and the Fenton site. Our meeting lasted about 45 minutes.Later Monday I met with the Chief Executive Officer of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina. We talked about several things such as Cary businesses, potential class A office sites, and Cary’s diverse population. Our meeting lasted about half an hour.

Harold’s Blog: Downtown Development, Ordinance Changes and More

My last meeting Monday was with several town staff, Mayor Pro-Tem Bush, council member Frantz, and developers interested in building next to the Baptist Church on Academy Street. The negotiations for this project have been ongoing for almost a decade. The purpose of this meeting was to talk about what council members had heard from the Baptist Church committee members.