Gardening: Planting Vegetables in Cold Temperatures

Cary, NC – We finally have weather that feels like it matches the calendar and if you have a vegetable garden, now is the time to change what you are planting and when. Here are some tips on what to plant in colder temperatures. Read more


Gardening: Preparing Your Lawn for Autumn

Cary, NC – It may not feel like it yet, but we are in Autumn and that means you should start thinking about how the coming weather changes will affect your lawn. Here are some quick tips for making sure your lawn is ready for Autumn. Read more

Fall Gardening: The Season of Mums

Cary, NC – Every Autumn, the weather is slightly different. This year, in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, everything that’s undamaged is fat and green. A flush of caterpillars have appeared. And, if you go to the garden store this weekend, you’ll see it is the Season of Mums. Read more

Gardening for Labor Day Weekend

Cary, NC – Like baseball, gardening has its seasons. When it comes to Fall gardening, Labor Day weekend is the equivalent of Opening Day. Here are a few quick things you can do to get your season off to a good start. Read more

Gardening: Fall Vegetables to Plant Now

Cary, NC – You’d think that Fall vegetables should be planted in the Fall. But, here in the North Carolina Piedmont, July and August are prime months for planting fall garden vegetables. Read more

Container Gardening for Summer

Cary, NC – Container gardening is an easy and satisfying way to get your green thumb working during the heat of summer. Read more

Gardening: Doing More with Less Water

Cary, NC – We’re in the middle of Summer and we are all feeling the heat, from people to animals to the plants in your garden. That means water is in high demand with a smaller supply, so here are some tips on conserving water in your garden. Read more


Gardening: Preparing Your Garden for Rain and Wind

Cary, NC – With strong wind and rain coming to Cary, here are some tips to protect your garden against weather damage. It’s easier than you would expect. Read more


Gardening: Creating a Red Garden

Cary, NC – The basis of garden design is simply organizing plants and flowers into a pleasing collection. You can organize plants by height (low in the front, tall in the back) or by succession (Spring flowers replaced by Summer flowers replaced by Fall flowers). Today, let’s talk about organizing a garden by color, specifically, the color red. Read more


Gardening: Best Spring Vegetables to Start Planting

Cary, NC – If you’re a gardener, you know certain vegetables do best at certain times of the year. With Spring halfway done, here is some advice on what vegetables will do well this time of year. Read more