Rep. Tom Murry Ranked Top of Freshman Class by NC Free Enterprise Foundation

Story from staff reports. Photo by Hal Goodtree.

Raleigh, NC – Representative Tom Murry (NC House District 41) recently received the highest rating of any freshman representative by the North Carolina Free Enterprise Foundation (NCFEF).  Results of the annual survey were published in the organization’s Business Ratings of the 2011 North Carolina General Assembly report.

“This ranking is a reflection on my focus on common sense solutions that will help improve our state’s economy through private sector job creation,” said Representative Murry.  “I will continue to promote policies and legislation that supports free enterprise and helps get our economy moving in the right direction.”

NCFEF describes the report:

The Business Ratings of the 2011 North Carolina General Assembly report is published by the North Carolina Free Enterprise Foundation to inform the state’s business community, and the public at-large, how state lawmakers responded to business-related issues during the 2011 Legislative Session.

See the survey results for yourself. Also, Mark Binker has some good analysis of the report in the Greensboro News & Record.

1 reply
  1. James
    James says:

    “** The Free Enterprise Foundation will raise some folks’ hackles because Art Pope is a board member. However, it’s worth noting that their board is made up of both Democrats and Republicans. In my experience, I generally find their work to be pretty solid. But they definitely have a viewpoint, which is that business is good and lawmakers who vote with business are doing the right thing. You should read these rankings with that in mind.” Greensboro News & Record
    Huge grain of salt. So Tom is working for business and not necessarily for his constituents? Other than Mr. Pope of course? Must be nice to be on Art’s 1% gravy train!

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