Fall Events at Cary High School
Staff Writer Brian Schmid is a senior at Cary High. Photo by Hal Goodtree.
Cary, NC – Public school has been back in session for two weeks now, and the high school events are piling up. Although students have the usual classwork, homework, clubs and athletics to deal with, many attend extracurricular events. While most of these events are distinctly student oriented, some stick out as great for people of all ages.
Friday Night Lights
Varsity Football is, hands down, the most popular sport at every high school in the Tri-Nine Conference (encompassing all of Cary’s four area high schools).
Cary High, with few exceptions, plays at home every other week. The Imps are currently undefeated in-conference and beat Apex High 45-7 last week. Our next home game is on the 21st against Middle Creek High School, and homecoming is on October 12th against Panther Creek High School (Complete with a parade through downtown starting at 4PM).
While the “Cary Crazies” student section is easily several hundred students, there is always ample seating for everyone. Nothing quite beats watching one of the best football teams in North Carolina play for under $10 a person.
Cary Band Day
Band Day is a huge event at Cary High and in the town. The entire event is extremely spectator friendly and will be held on Saturday, November 3rd. It starts with a 10AM parade through the town and competition continues on the football field long into the night.
The best places to watch the parade are along Academy Street, or on Walnut right in front of the school.
After the parade, the Cary Band performs their routine twice during the day, bookending the performances of the other bands.
Admission to the competition segment is free for children 10 and under, $7 for adults, and $3 for adults 65 or older.
If you would like to volunteer or help out with Cary Band Day, you can find more information on their website.
Fall Play
Cary High’s outstanding Fine Arts department sponsors a play every fall semester. A huge staff of students create the sets, coordinate the lighting, work the lines, organize the props, manage the stage, and, of course, act.
You’ve probably seen the glass cube exterior of the Cary High auditorium while driving by. This is your chance to go inside and see exactly what the arts students of today are capable of.
The play runs from October 17-20. Shows start at 7:00 PM. Mark your calendars.
A School Unlike Any Other
Cary High School is the oldest public high school in North Carolina, and the students and staff know it. Their extracurricular effort, whether it be on the field, on the stage, or in the stands, shows that they understand the tradition of excellence that sets them apart from other schools.
There is something different about events at The Cary High School, and I’ve never been able to put my finger on it. You may just have to come experience it for yourself to understand.
You can find more information about Cary High on their website.
I just found out today, it’s name is Rosencrantz and Gildenstern. Past that, the Arts Department is staying pretty quiet on it.
Great article Brian! Perhaps Rozencrantz & Guidenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard?
What is the fall play this year?