Bill Fletcher on the New School Year


Thoughts from Bill Fletcher, Member Wake County Board of Education, August 1, 2014, via email.

What should high school graduates know in 2020?

Share your views on the major themes and guide development of the overarching goals of the District’s Strategic Plan at a Town Hall Forum on August 6, 7PM, at McKimmon Center. Attendance is open to all who register at Free admission but registration is required.

School opens for majority of students August 25

Traditional calendar teachers return August 25. How many students will enroll for 2014? In 2013, 20th day headcount was 153,300. Your guess?

What is happening to the Common Core State Standards?

The law passed creates a standards commission to identify and develop a new set of educational standards for NC students which may or may not include elements of the CCSS. Although legislators want a faster pace, the earliest implementation of new standards with any opportunity for professional development is 2016.

Wake Teacher Leader Corps enters second year

In an effort to identify and reward teacher- leaders within Wake, four teachers from each Wake school have been recruited to the TLC! With extra professional development and additional responsibilities, TLC members assist in improving “core instruction” so that classroom teachers are better able to meet diverse student needs.

The General Assembly keeps it interesting

The General Assembly keeps it interesting with multiple budget proposals. A budget that maintains funding for teaching assistants at current levels, increases teacher compensation, funds enrollment growth and avoids other cuts to K-12 appropriations is what is needed.

Local talk about tax referendum

Local talk about holding a referendum for a sales tax increase among County Commissioners precipitated eleventh hour legislation to prohibit Wake County from raising the local sales tax above 2.5%. Is the State meddling in local decisions or is this political cover for commissioners who oppose a local sales tax increase for any reason, or both?

School Cap

A school cap is a temporary condition. If capped out, the overflow school is a stable assignment. Buyers and sellers need to know that caps are a temporary tool to maintain a safe school population until other tools are available, e.g. more classroom space or re-assignment to a different school.

School Assignments

Questions about Student Assignment for this year? Call Office of Student Assignment: 919-431-7300 or visit Foreign languages: 919-431-7404

Fun with Factoids

  • Factoid #1: 1149 mobile or “temporary” classrooms are in use to help alleviate over-crowding.
  • Factoid #2: Panther Creek High opened in 2006 to serve 1663 students. Today, 3,273 students live in the base assignment area. There are 33 temporary classrooms installed. Through magnet & transfer applications and “grandfathering”, 595 students will attend other public high schools leaving 2678 on campus (as of 7/17 Base Population Report).

Parent Chats

  • 1st Thursday, 1PM, Cary Chamber, 315 N Academy Street
  • 3rd Monday, 11AM, Caribou Coffee shop, 109 SW Maynard

Bill Fletcher school info: Voice Mail: 919-431-7332 Mobile: 919-880-5301