Cary Girl Scout Earns Award for Improving Farm Animal Conditions

Cary, NC – Most people may not think about how the animals involved in their food live but it is actually very important to both food quality and hygiene. And one Cary Girl Scout created a project to raise awareness on this, earning herself the Girl Scouts’ top award.

Jordyn Brown is a junior at Research Triangle High School and a Cary resident. As Brown learned about the animal abuse that occurs on some farms, she began sharing that information and saw that many people were unaware of the conditions farm animals sometimes live in.

This prompted Brown to create a project to raise awareness of farm animal living conditions, earning herself the Girl Scouts’ Gold Award in the process. Roughly five percent of Girl Scouts earn the Gold Award during their time with the program.

Brown created brochures to educate people and gave them ways to improve animal living conditions by working with organizations such as the Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge. To create more space for farm animals to enjoy a higher quality of life, Brown partnered with the refuge to build an herbal garden where chickens and turkeys can roam freely. She also wrote an article about the refuge and created an informational video about the work it does.

“Through her project, Jordyn has demonstrated she possesses the proven qualities of a community leader and the Girl Scout Gold Award designation is truly a remarkable achievement,” said Lisa Jones, chief executive officer of Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines. “She recognized a need in her community and took action to create a sustainable response.”

In addition to her Gold Award, Brown also received the Young Leadership Award from the North Carolina Humane Society after speaking at one of their meetings, presented by State Director Erica Geppi.

Story by staff reports. Photo courtesy of the Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines.

5 replies
  1. Jan
    Jan says:

    I am so so proud of you Jordyn !! Congratulations on receiving such prestigious awards. One can see how passionate you are about this issue.
    Keep up the terrific work you are doing!!!
    Auntie Janice

  2. Audrey W
    Audrey W says:

    This is so awesome Jordyn! I’m so very proud of you. Keep up the work of advocating for animals and educating others.

  3. Tony Tee
    Tony Tee says:

    Congrats to my Grandniece!!! I was in the Boy Scouts when I was a kid. Great organization. Keep on moving’!!!

  4. Liisa Berger
    Liisa Berger says:

    What a beautiful gift to the community by this compassionate young woman! People need to learn more about this important issue and where their food comes from. Animals deserve so much better than the treatment they receive on factory farms. Bravo to Jordan for doing what she can to help improve their lives.

  5. Carolyn Smith
    Carolyn Smith says:

    I am so proud of you. Wish I could be there but you will be in my prayers. Tell Mom or Dad to record all in their phone so I can see you receiving the BEST, if not maybe Jadyn could record it on his phone.

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