Harold’s Blog: North Carolina Legislature, Stormwater and More

Cary, NC – This week was very slow which is typical for this time of year.

Monday – Election Preparation

Monday, I met with the town manager for about half an hour. We talked about a few things including the upcoming election.

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Cary Mayor

Harold’s Blog: Cary Town Council, Meeting with Governor and More

This was a slow week which is typical for this time of year.

Monday – Preparing for the Week

Monday I attempted to contact all council members to hear concerns or questions about the upcoming meeting that I could discuss with staff. I contacted each of them except one. There were no concerns but based on my conversations it seemed that support for the Roberts Road rezoning was doubtful.

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Harold’s Blog: Billboards, Transit Plan and More

Cary, NC – This week was a bit slower than last week as we approach the end of the fiscal year. Once our budget is approved by the end of June things will slow down for a few days.

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Cary Mayor

Harold’s Blog: High School Graduations, Town Council Meeting and More

Cary, NC – This week was my first week back from vacation. As expected it was a busy week.

Monday – Planning for the Week

Monday morning, after conferring with staff, we decided to cancel the agenda meeting since our council meeting agenda for Thursday was a short one. I sent an email to council and asked them to send questions or concerns about the agenda and heard back from none of them.

Later in the day I met with the town clerk for about forty-five minutes to discuss her staff duties in her planned absence. Our clerk staff is a very talented group and does a great job of covering for each other. We are blessed to have one of the best town clerk’s and clerk staffs in the state.

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Cary Mayor

Harold’s Blog: Town Council Meeting, Cary Police and More

Cary, NC – This week was a typical council meeting week.

Monday – Preparing for Council Meeting

Monday started with an attempt to contact council members about Thursday’s agenda. I was able to contact all council members but one. In my one-on-one conversations, council members decided to pull the Weldon Ridge and Weston rezonings from the Consent agenda for discussion.

Later that day I met with staff management and directors to go over the agenda. In addition to the pulled items from the Consent we believed there would be speakers on the budget and CDBG funding. Our meeting lasted about twenty minutes. Read more

Cary Mayor

Harold’s Blog: Cary Teachers, World Record Broken and More

Cary, NC – This week was lighter than expected.

Monday – Teacher Awards Ceremony

Monday my one-on-one meeting with the town manager was cancelled.

Monday evening I joined council members Smith, Frantz, Yerha, and George at the Booth amphitheater for the Honor a Teacher Awards Ceremony put on by the Cary Chamber of Commerce. Each school with Cary students had five nominations with one winner picked that received $1000 and over $800 for school supplies. The money for the school supplies was provided by the North Carolina Legislators. The money for the awards was provided by various business sponsors including the Town of Cary. Read more

Cary Mayor

Harold’s Blog: Quarterly Meeting, Historic Preservation and More

Cary, NC – This week was much busier than last week and included a quarterly meeting on the budget.

Monday – Elected Official Reception

Monday afternoon I met with the town manager and the chief strategy officer for my one-on-one weekly meeting. We talked mostly about the upcoming bond referendum this fall and the quarterly meeting later in the week. We also talked briefly about the mall site. Read more

Cary Mayor

Harold’s Blog: Sustainability, Lord Corporation and More

Cary, NC – After a week of vacationing things slowly ramped up a little this week.

Monday – Local Business Sold

Monday town management received a phone message from a representative regarding plans to purchase Lord Corporation. Read more

Harold’s Blog: Highway Expansion, Maynard Water Tower and More

Cary, NC – This week was my last week before a family vacation.

Monday – Wake County Mayors

Monday I met with the Wake County Mayors in Garner. All mayors were in attendance except the Mayors of Apex, Knightdale, Raleigh, and Wendell. The meeting included a presentation about the upcoming census from a non-profit NC Counts Coalition and from a Wake County Planner. Residents will be invited to respond to the census starting mid-March 2020 either by internet, telephone, or paper. Read more