
Train Station Stories


Cary, NC — Train stations are places to collect stories. I dropped in on my friend CoCo at the Koffee Kafe to catch up on some of the travelers’ tales at the Cary Depot.
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Koffee Kafe: Now Serving at the Cary Train Station


Cary, NC — The Koffee Kafe–a friendly, grab-and-go coffee service–just opened in the Cary Amtrak station downtown, and it’s serving the community in more ways than one. I met with the owner, CoCo McMillan, to get more details. Read more

Harold’s Blog: Jam-Packed Week

From the blog of  Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht, covering the week of October 31, 2010.

This week was a busy week with several events and a council meeting.

The Love Affair with Trains and Cary

Monday’s first event was the groundbreaking ceremony of the Cary Depot. I met several State and Federal officials at the train station in Raleigh. After a short reception, we boarded the train to Cary. As we arrived in Cary and departed the train, the Cary Band played “I’ve been working on the Railroad.” Getting off a train with a band playing was a unique and surreal experience for me. I thought that only happened in the movies. Anyway, it was a great treat and made me proud to represent Cary. Read more