Education: Middle Schoolers Compete in LEGO Robotics Tournament

Cary, NC –  The Cary Academy Middle School Robotics Club, also known as “Team Brouhaha”, competed in the North Carolina FIRST LEGO State Tournament in Greensboro recently. 

The FIRST LEGO League (FLL) is meant to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders. The program engages them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication and leadership.

The students competed with 59 other skilled teams from around the state in four different categories:

  • robot performance
  • technical design
  • teamwork
  • project presentation

FLL engages teams of up to 10 children in authentic scientific research and hands-on robotics design using LEGO Mindstorms® technologies and LEGO parts.  Teams compete in a friendly robotics event specially designed for their age group.


At the end of the day, Team Brouhaha received a perfect score for teamwork (scoring 72 out of a possible 72 points) and an excellent rating for its project presentation on robotic arms (scoring 80 out of a possible 84 points).

Team Brouhaha participants at the state robotics tournament included Stuart Hunt, Katie Barbrey, Thomas May, Jacob Weintraub, Calvin Ma, Lincoln Thomas, Brian Nelson and Jack Lattimore. Eric Himburg serves as club adviser.

Congrats to Team Brouhaha for their hard work and accomplishment.

1 reply
  1. Reagan Pounds
    Reagan Pounds says:

    I am really proud of the Cary team. They put a tremendous amount of work into this project. They and their teacher Mr. Himburg deserve the recognition.

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