Wanted in Cary: Yacht Designer

Story by Hal Goodtree. Photo by Janis Behan.

Cary, NC – How’s this for a bullish indicator: Setzer Design Group in Cary is advertising for a mid-level Yacht Designer.

Of Yachts and Economics

I had never given any thought to the needs of the yacht design industry. It never even occurred to me that one could aspire to be a yacht designer.

But we apparently have it right here in Cary.

While the economy may continue to be sluggish in its recovery, yachts are actually a leading economic indicator. Can the good times be far behind?

Someone’s Dream Job

According to the application, Setzer is looking for this type of candidate:

Candidates will work on the styling, design and detailing of yachts and production craft ranging from 20′ to 200′. This position requires applicants to take design from early sketch concepts through to 3D modeling and on to construction drawings.

Skills required include Bachelor’s Degree Industrial Design, two years work experience in design (post grad), knowledge of marine and transportation industries plus strong sketching, ideation, illustration and rendering skills. Photoshop, Illustrator, 2D CAD and 3D modeling required as well.

Qualified candidates should send a PDF portfolio to jobs@setzerdesign.com.