Christmas Tree Recycling in Cary


Cary, NC – Did you know that Town of Cary will recycle your Christmas tree? All you have to do is kick it to the curb.

Christmas Tree Recycling in Cary

How does one recycle a Christmas tree? Simple: run it through a shredder and turn it into mulch.

The alternative is to treat is as garbage and send it to a landfill.

What to Do

Recycling your Christmas tree could not be easier:

  1. Strip the tree of everything you’ve hung on it – lights, tinsel, wire, ornaments, whatever. The Town refers to this as “non-vegetative” matter.
  2. Put the tree at your curb on your regular garbage collection day.

That’s it! No calls to make, no appointments to schedule – the Town will do the rest. Town of Cary asks that you don’t cover a sewer or water meter with your tree.

If you don’t want to wait for garbage day, you can drive your tree down to the Citizen’s Convenience Center on Dixon Street (aka “the town dump”).

For more info, visit, search for “Christmas Tree” and see what turns up.


Photo by Jonny Hughes.