Tax Free Weekend Aug 2-4

tax free weekendCary, NC- Ready for some back to school shopping? This weekend you can save some cash by shopping during North Carolina’s Tax Free Holiday.

This year the general merchandise tax-free holiday starts Friday, August 2 and lasts through Sunday August 4. If the current legislature has their way, this 2013 may be last Tax-Free Holiday consumers in this state experience as lawmakers try to fill some budget gaps.

What Qualifies

  • Clothing, footwear, and school supplies under $100
  • Sports and recreation equipment under $50
  • Computers under $3,500
  • Computer equipment under $250

Many office supply and big box stores will offer additional discounts. Start making your list and begin to compare prices before you head out to purchase. A little advance planning can help consumers yield big savings, but only if they avoid impulse buys at the register that lead to unnecessary purchases.

If your research shows you that some prices may be better before or after the holiday, then hold off.  A 20% sale on an item you’ve been waiting for, will yield better savings than a 7.25% tax-free purchase. North Carolina’s sales tax rate is 4.75% . Combine that with the local sales tax,  ( for a total of 7.25). That’s what you’re  saving during the sales tax holiday. On a $1000 Mac Book, for instance,  tax free savings total $72.50.

As always, purchase what you need, when you need it, and do a little research first.