Morrisville A Finalist in National Diversity Award

Morrisville, NC – Morrisville has worked to highlight its diversity in the past years, from its rebranding with a new logo and motto to a recent festival about different communities that make up the town. And for this work, Morrisville is a finalist for a major diversity award.

National Diversity Finalist

Morrisville is a finalist National League of Cities (NLC) City Cultural Diversity Awards, specifically in the category for towns with populations of 50,000 or fewer. This award is meant to showcase towns that achieve diversity and show community collaboration.

A big reason for Morrisville being recognized as a finalist is their East Meets West Festival, typically held in September to show food from around the world, as well as music and other important cultural resources.

“One of the most distinct features about Morrisville is its variety of cultures,” said Mayor Mark Stohlman. “We love celebrating all of the cultures in our community during East Meets West, and are both thrilled and honored that the Festival is a finalist for this prestigious national award.”

Morrisville’s new motto, which Mayor Mark Stohlman said signifies how Morrisville is connected to many cultures

Qualifications for Diversity

Morrisville has a very heterogeneous makeup, with close to 30 percent of the population coming from Southeast Asia. In the East Meets West festival, Morrisville hosts cultures ranging from the American South, India, Ireland and more.

“Families and businesses love the variety and opportunity to celebrate Morrisville’s diversity at the East Meets West Festival each year,” said Morrisville Chamber of Commerce President Sarah Gaskill. “We are tremendously honored that the National League of Cities is recognizing the great work the Chamber and Town are doing together.”

The East Meets West Festival is coordinated by the Morrisville Innovation Foundation, which is part of the town Chamber of Commerce.

NLC will release the list of winners on Monday, March 13, 2017 at their Congressional City Conference in Washington, D.C.

The Western Wake Farmers Market in Morrisville

Story by staff reports. Photos by Hal Goodtree and the Town of Morrisville.

3 replies
  1. Rex Havoc
    Rex Havoc says:

    Oh, Morrisville in 60’s….only liquor store between NC State and Chapel Hill on Hwy 54. Real busy on game days.

  2. Rex Havoc
    Rex Havoc says:

    Yep. Mo’Ville come a long way from days when Boy Scout Troop and KKK met in same community building.

  3. tjcawley
    tjcawley says:

    I could not be more pleased that the Town of Morrisville and the Morrisville Chamber of Commerce Innovation Foundation are being recognized for the East Meets West Festival. As the volunteer chair for the past 5 years I have seen the festival grow in size and scope to become a day of Food, Fun and Performances for all ages.
    Please save the date for this years festival September 23, 2017
    I will be at the Congressional Cities Conference in my role as the National League of Cities North Carolina representative on the Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Federal Advocacy Committee and look forward to the awards ceremony.

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