Wake County Public School System

Education: Bill Fletcher 2018 June Newsletter

Wake County, NC – Thoughts for June 2018 from Bill Fletcher, Member of the Wake County Board of Education.

Cathy Moore named Wake Superintendent

After a five-month nationwide search, the school board chose Cathy Moore as the 10th superintendent of the Wake public schools. Yes, she is the first woman and Latina to lead Wake’s schools, but neither characteristic is why she was hired.

The community told us they wanted a former teacher who would remain in the position for six or more years, someone who knew Wake County and the Wake schools and would be highly visible and accessible. Cathy Moore fits that profile. She is dedicated to the success of every child and eminently capable of leading the state’s largest school district to greater academic heights.  Click here for more info about our new superintendent. 

Wake County Public School System

Cathy Moore, Wake County Public School System Superintendent

State Budget Creates Additional Demand for Local Funding

The school system’s budget was adopted expecting a 2% state salary increase for teachers.  Instead, the state passed an average 6.5% increase. Locally funded teachers must be paid on the state salary schedule. The unexpected 4.5% increase plus the local salary supplement, the will create an additional need for $9.9 million in local matching dollars. The county commission’s adopted budget includes a $45 million increase but falls $15 million short of what is required to maintain the current level of services.

Remember that about 85% of the budget goes to personnel and more than 92% is spent directly on schools and classrooms. What services will be cut to maintain a balanced budget? Stay tuned.

Wake County Public School System

Multitrack (Year Round) Schools open July 9

38 multitrack schools will begin the 2018-19 academic year on July 9. Multitrack schools typically serve +/-25% more students on a campus when full.  Families in multitrack schools love the flexibility of having a 15-day “track out” period after every 45 days of instruction. Students stay refreshed and interested all year long.

Click here and here to help understand how multitrack schools can benefit your family’s schedule and lifestyle. Note: Four fully-utilized multitrack schools can postpone the construction of a fifth school. Multitrack schools serve grades K through 8.

Wake Continues to Stress Human Factor in School Safety

The Governor proposed $150 million for school safety initiatives. The legislature recently approved $35 million. Locally, Wake continues to believe that building positive relationships with students is the most effective long term strategy even if it is the most difficult. Wake continues to request funding to add trained school counselors and social workers to our schools. Engaging students in non-threatening conversations and helping them develop positive ways to handle disagreement, disappointment and anger is a successful strategy. It takes more professionals in school to meet these needs.

Factoid #42: Time to celebrate some CTE concentrators!

For the first time in Wake county, Career Technical Education students will hold an “early signing” ceremony! Graduates will sign on with local companies including Baker Roofing, Muter, DPR, B&G and FLSA. More students experiencing success!

Parent chats (except on holidays)

1st Thursday – 1 PM
Cary Chamber, 315 N Academy St., Cary

3rd Monday – 11 AM
Caribou Coffee shop, 109 SW Maynard Rd., Cary

Bill Fletcher school infoBFletcher@wcpss.net || Voice Mail: 919-694-8843 || Mobile: 919-880-5301

Story by Bill Fletcher, Member Wake County Board of Education. Photos by the Wake County Public School System and alamosbasement.

1 reply
  1. Lindsey Chester
    Lindsey Chester says:

    Love to see that our new WCPSS superintendent is from HERE! No learning curve of how we operate and she is so super qualified that I feel great things are on the way for our schools. Kudos to the board for finding an excellent candidate! Best wishes to Cathy Moore!

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