Bill Fletcher: Strategic Plan for the Future, Bus Driver Pay Raise and More
Wake County, NC – Thoughts for the start of 2020 from Bill Fletcher, Member of the Wake County Board of Education.
“What Starts Here Changes Everything!”
2020 is here! – Still Waiting for State Budget to be Adopted. School Board Acts
In spite of the fact that 58% of annual operating funds come from the Legislature which has failed to adopt a budget mid-way through the fiscal year, the Wake BOE has adopted a “final” budget. In doing so, and with approval of the Wake County staff, the Board issued well-deserved and long-delayed raises to all non-certified staff in the District.
These positions include bus mechanics, building maintenance tradesmen, office staff in schools, child nutrition workers, teaching assistants, bookkeepers, etc.
$15/hour Starting Pay for Bus Drivers as of January 2, 2020
Seeking to increase the attractiveness of driving a big yellow bus, the Board approved setting a new starting wage of $15/hour. Drivers and team leaders with more experience will receive a similar increase.
The legislature left our bus drivers out of their 2018 pay plan.
Administration, Board & Community Developing Next Strategic Plan
What will our children need to know and be able to do in 2025 or 2035 or beyond? How does fingertip access to millions of pieces of information (and some facts) affect teaching and learning going forward? Is a student’s age a primary determinant in grade-level placement? Or should it be demonstrated mastery of course content? How are changing demographics exposing additional needs within our school-aged community?
How will our community assure that the next generation will have greater upward economic mobility than today? What problem solving strategies will they need to fully engage the opportunities and challenges of the future? What languages will enable students to navigate both local and global economies? Education is a relationship business; teachers are and will remain the essential element for student development.

These are my grandchildren. Each will graduate with thousands of classmates. Can we think and plan well enough for all to be prepared for the world they will enter?
Board holds its Annual Meeting and…
… elected new leadership for the coming calendar year. Elected were Keith Sutton and Roxie Cash, as chair and vice chair, respectively. Interestingly, both have served as Chair of the Board in previous years. Dr. Jim Martin retires as chair after a very active year laying the foundation for the Board’s work on diversity and a strategic plan to expand upon the current Vision 2020.
Factoid #52: School Facility Safety Audit is Underway
Safety, security and architectural consultants with significant law enforcement experience are completing assessments on all 191 school campuses, more than 500 buildings, as well as relevant policies and procedures.
Expect to see early recommendations incorporated into facility design, policy updates and staff training.
Parent chats (except on holidays)
1st Thursday – 1 PM
Cary Chamber, 307 N Academy St., Cary
3rd Monday – 11 AM
Caribou Coffee shop, 109 SW Maynard Rd., Cary
Bill Fletcher school info: || Voice Mail: 919-694-8843 || Mobile: 919-880-5301
Story by Bill Fletcher, Member Wake County Board of Education. Photos courtesy of Bill Fletcher and Ethan Allen.