Letters to the Editor: Other Side of Wake BOE


Cary, NC – Our recent story on the coverage of the Nancy Cooper Murder Trial provoked a lot of commentary.

Here’s a note we received via email from Donna in West Park. Republished with permission.

Letters to the Editor

I whole heartily agree with your story about Cary.  One bit of information on the Wake Co Board of Ed.  Of course this story will never make the news either.

The Wake County Board of Ed recently recognized a student from Davis Drive at their meeting.  I attended and saw a different side of real people who make up the Board.

A Davis Drive student was commended for rising above adversity to be an exemplary  student.  Nathan Allen, with some learning issues and his Mom Susan dying of cancer, rose to overcome adversity and was awarded for being an exemplary student from the Board.

The speech Education Chair Ron Margiotta gave was nothing like I have ever heard for a student. Wonderful!

Needless to say there was not a dry eye in the place.  Even those toughest members wiped their eyes, including the Davis Dr teachers sitting behind us.

They took time for a recess so the family could take pictures.  This was Susan Allen’s last outing, she passed one week later.

Of course on our way out were the “paid” protesters (my opinion) setting up.  I wanted to go up and tell them what I had just witnessed.  As you say… the good news sometimes never gets printed.  But for me, I have a whole new out look on the BOE.

Thanks for your service to our community,

Donna Gibbons
West Park

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