Detours and Maps for Cary Railroad Crossing Closings
Cary, NC – Next week, several railroad crossings in Cary will be closed for repairs. Here’s what you need to know about where these closures will be and how to get around them.
Between Monday, January 15 and Friday, January 19, 2018, CSX Transportation will be closing railroad crossings in Cary, with different patches closed on different dates.
Starting Monday at 9 PM until the projected date of Thursday, January 18, 2018, the railroad crossings will be closed on North Academy Street, North Harrison Avenue, North Dixon Avenue, High House Road and Old Apex Road.

Railroad crossings will be closed at North Academy Street, North Harrison Avenue, and North Dixon Street
Then, between Thursday and Friday, January 18 and 19, 2018, there will be closures on Laura Duncan Road and SW Maynard Road.
Finding Detours
If these railroad crossing closures will cut off your usual routes, here are some ways around the obstacles.
For the Downtown Cary closures, drivers can get around these by using the roundabout that links up East Chatham Street and East Durham Road. Taking East Durham Road will get you onto Chapel Hill Road, which runs roughly parallel to East Chatham Street on the other side of Town Hall and the Chamber of Commerce building. This is also a handy detour for anyone who finds themselves stuck by the Depot’s usual train stops.
When trying to get around the closures at High House Road, SW Maynard Road and Old Apex Road, West Chatham Street connects up with Old Apex Road near Cary Fire Station #4 and links up with SW Maynard Road as well as High House Road. Getting onto Old Apex Road from West Chatham Street via the roundabout will be impassible with the railroad but taking this detour should give you access to all the other routes.
As for the Laura Duncan Road closure, drivers can either get onto US-64 to maneuver around or cross Apex Peakway to get onto North Salem Street, which turns into Old Apex Road as you approach the railroad closure.
If you’re taking GoCary, do not worry about railroad crossing closures getting in your way, as the buses will reroute where it’s needed.
Story by staff reports. Photos by Google Maps and Hal Goodtree.