Don Frantz: Catching Up On 2014
Long time no hear from eh? C’mon….admit it. You know you missed my blog posts ;-)
Don Frantz has been a member of Town Council representing District B since 2007.
Long time no hear from eh? C’mon….admit it. You know you missed my blog posts ;-)
One of concern was the Imagine Cary Transportation Value Statement. What the heck is “the human experience” anyways?
Downtown Cary Update from the blog of Councilmember Don Frantz, including news of the Fire Sculpture and the Downtown Park
The council made it clear that we expect balance in any information we put out to our citizens and that we want more citizen input and less staff presentation. This is the Cary Community Plan. The community should be in the driver’s seat.
Imagine Cary – or imagine what Cary could become if we let the new-urbanists ruin it. That was my take from the Summit on the Future event held at Embassy Suites.
For over a decade now the town has planned for a destination park in Cary’s downtown. While I appreciate the charette team’s efforts to take one last look at this site, after reviewing previous plans and community input it is clear that we got it right the first time – a large central park in Cary’s downtown.
I’m sure that by now everyone has heard of the town’s intentions to remove the iconic water tower at Cary High School. I am sure that you have heard about it because we are hearing from you…a lot of you.
From the blog of Don Frantz, District 2 Cary Town Council Member. Photo by Hal Goodtree. Cary, NC –Our town council meeting this week was a long one. The good news is that we had a number of public hearings and rezonings – things seem to be picking up a bit.
Our council meeting on 8/23/12 was a long one – six public hearings, a special recognition, Ed’s swearing in, and chickens – and we had to take a new group photo. Yay….
I am pleased with the council’s selection of Ed Yerha to fill the remainder of Julie Robison’s expired term. I am not however pleased with the manner in which it occurred.