Story and photo by Hal Goodtree.
Cary, NC – This past weekend, I managed to get around to three interesting events in the greater Cary region: CenterStage on the front lawn of DPAC in Durham, Wheel on Academy in downtown Cary and Morrisville’s East Meets West festival.
Friday evening was perfect for CenterStage, a collaboration between WUNC’s Back Porch Music and the American Tobacco Historic District in Downtown Durham.
A large and enthusiastic crowd turned out for the first show of the summer. I ran into several friends from Cary and got to take a few shots from the rooftop of Diamond View II, one large office buildings between DPAC and Durham Bulls Athletic Park.
Find out about more free CenterStage concerts this summer.

Wheels on Academy
Saturday morning, I swung by Wheels on Academy in Downtown Cary.
Last year’s inaugural event was a little soggy, but Saturday morning was crisp and clear in downtown Cary. More than 100 cars participated.
My favorites were Barney Fife’s vintage Ford police cruiser, a beautiful plum-colored Studebaker, an immaculate California woody and a low slung hot rod Don Frantz identified for me as a class of cars called a “Rat Ride.” All the cars were gorgeous.

East Meets West
Finally, I wound up at Morrisville’s East Meets West Festival. Booths lined Town Hall Drive and two stages showcased Eastern and Western acts.
I was there to perform on the West stage with A Fifth of Blues, but I also had a chance to wander around a little.

Thanks to Brooke Meyer for getting a shot of me in action with my bass guitar.

It was an exciting weekend all around.