West Cary Learns Information, Shares Concerns at Town Meeting

Cary, NC – As the piece of Cary with the most left undeveloped, West Cary is a rapidly growing part of not only the town but of Wake County. And with that growth comes new challenges and opportunities and the community shared both at a recent Cary information meeting. Read more

Guide to Bike Month In and Around Cary

Cary, NC – May is Bike Month in Cary and across the Triangle. If you are a cyclist or just enjoy taking your bike on trails, here are some of the Bike Month events going on in and around Cary. Read more

Morrisville Breaks Ground on New, Connective Greenway

Morrisville, NC – There are dozens of miles of greenways that course through Wake County. And with the ground-breaking for a new greenway starting at Morrisville Community Park, the region is one step closer to one connected, walkable system. Read more

Cary Town Council: 4/13/17

Cary, NC – The Cary Town Council took a look at three items at its latest meeting, with each one taking on lengthy discussion involving councilmembers, town staff and the public in the audience.

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Cary Hosts Transit Plan Information Session

Cary, NC – After passing in November’s election, Wake County’s new transit plan is set to take effect this Summer. And everyone from Cary residents to passengers getting off the GoCary line had a chance to hear about upcoming changes and talk with local transit employees to learn more. Read more

Water Line Break Closes Parts of Waldo Rood

Cary, NC – The stretch of Waldo Rood Boulevard from Cary Parkway to MacArthur Drive is closed after a water main broke morning on Monday, March 27, 2017. Read more

Don’s Blog: No Parking

Cary, NC – Non-consensual Towing. Odd term right? What it means is that your vehicle was towed and you didn’t consent to it. Read more

Lori’s Blog: Which Waze?

Cary, NC – When was the last time you looked at a paper map to get somewhere? A long time ago, I know. I remember ordering the AAA TripTiks not so long ago – plotting the route we would take while on the road to a vacation. Ok, so now I feel old. Read more

Lori’s Blog: #Justagirlinasnowplow

Cary, NC – #justagirlinasnowplow. That’s what I was tagging my adventure with the Snow Patrol last weekend. Read more

Traffic Light Added To Cary Parkway Intersection

Cary, NC – One of Cary’s busiest intersections, the meeting of West Chatham Street and Cary Parkway is now getting a traffic light to hopefully prevent future accidents. Read more