downtown manager

Town Hires Ted Boyd as Downtown Manager

downtown manager

Cary, NC – Late last week, Town of Cary announced the hiring of Ted Boyd as the new Downtown Manager. His first day on the job is expected to be September 30, 2013. Read more

nnenna freelon

Nnenna Freelon to Appear at Lucy Daniels Event

nnenna freelon

Cary, NC— Lucy Daniels Center announces the featured artist and guest chefs for their third annual benefit, Expressions: A Celebration of Food and Art, taking place Friday, October 11, 2013, at The Umstead Hotel and Spa in Cary, NC. Read more

Fall Planting Guide Part 2

Fall Planting Guide: Part II

Fall Planting Guide Part 2

Cary NC – In Part 2 of our Fall Planting Guide, we’ll talk about trees, shrubs and ground covers – the ceiling, walls and floor of your garden.

Fall Planting Guide: Part II

In Part 1, we talked about Annual Flowers, Perennial Flowers, Flowers for Spring as well as Fall Vegetables.

But a balanced garden also has an assortment of shrubs, trees and ground cover plants. Starting now is the perfect time to plant a few of these foundational elements.

About That Weather

The weather continues to be mostly on the cool side for this time of year. The rain has backed off a bit so you might be watering now and then when it’s your day in Cary (Odd: T, Th, Sa; Even: W, F, Su).

Average time for fall planting in Piedmont region of North Carolina is mid-September. But this year, the ground is relatively cool and you can start planting now over the long Labor Day weekend.


Shrubs are a medium sized element in the garden. They are useful to give height to a bed and to surround structures like a house or a deck.

Some shrubs are evergreen, others die back in the winter (deciduous). They can be loose or tight, add a spark of color in summer or a bit of green in winter.

Very useful, shrubs. Don’t get as much attention from gardeners as flowers and trees. Shrubs might be the Rodney Dangerfield of the plant world.

Here are a few of my favorite shrubs for your Cary garden with some notes about how to use them. Put a couple on your fall planting list.

Azalea – The Queen of Southern shrubs. Unmatched blooms in Spring create a wall of color. Likes shade and some moisture. Evergreen.

Rosemary – Fragrant, evergreen, fine blue-green needles. The thing I like best about rosemary is that it can take a shearing. That is, you can prune it with an edge, shape it or even venture in simple topiary. Rosemary is very adaptable to sun or shade, prospers in low moisture and neglect. Perfect for my garden.

Butterfly Bush – A deciduous shrub, Butterfly Bush adds color in the height of summer through fall with loose, airy spikes of tiny flowers. Butterfly Bush is beloved of, yes, butterflies and insects of many types. A must for a free-flowing garden spot.

More shrubsBoxwood and Privet are civilized, cooperative evergreen shrubs that are useful around decks and home foundations. Gardenia produces some of the most beautiful fragrance in the garden. Speaking of fragrance, don’t forget Roses, probably the world’s most popular shrub. Camelia is a true Southern favorite that blooms in early winter, a welcome occurrence in a bleak garden season.

All of the above can be planted starting now. The won’t look like much this fall, but good root growth over the fall and winter will set them up for a strong start next Spring.


Autumn is the season to plant trees in the South.

The most important thing to keep in mind is the placement of the tree and its eventual size. Don’t plant a really tall tree (like a White Oak) right next to your house.

Planting a tree is not hard. In fact, we made a video called “The Right Way to Plant a Tree.”

Here are a few favorite trees for the Cary homeowner’s garden.

Crepe Myrtle – You see Crepe Myrtles everywhere in Cary, and for good reason: they bloom all summer long. Small to medium tree, they love the weather in Cary. Love them back.

Purple Leaf Plum – Dark burgundy leaves make a welcome contrast from the dominance of green. Medium size tree, low maintenance.

White Oak – If you have a grove of trees, or a spot a little father from the house, consider a White Oak for your fall planting. Grows with a straight trunk, nice color in the fall, hangs onto its brown leaves until spring. One of the longest living of Eastern trees, that White Oak you plant this Labor Day weekend could be there when the U.S.A. celebrates it’s 500th birthday in 2376.

Dogwood – Beautiful flowers in spring (and the State Flower of North Carolina). Dogwoods are one of the few trees that thrives in shade. If you have a shady spot that needs some excitement, plant a neat row of Dogwoods.

WillowWillow trees are good if you have a moist spot in your garden that’s too wet for other trees.

River BirchRiver Birch also likes it moist. It can tolerate a fair amount of shade as well.

Thuja Giant – These trees are basically evergreen weeds. Perfect for dense screening, e.g from a road or a bothersome neighbor. Thuja Giants grow fast (very fast) and become a wide, thick, dense, tall impenetrable screen of green.

Now is the perfect time to plant some trees. Don’t forget to watch the video.

Ground Covers

If shrubs are the Rodney Dangerfield of plants, ground covers are  Cinderella. Totally forgotten. But ground covers are the secret to finish out your garden with a verdant floor, covering bare spaces and connecting the elements.

Creeping Juniper – Evergreen, slow growing, Creeping Juniper can take drought and neglect. Has an almost primeval look. Spreads along the ground with branches that root.

Liriope – Excellent for edging beds, Liriope has thick grass-like blades about 9-12 inches. Basically evergreen in North Carolina. Variegated Liriope is a nice variety with green and white striped leaves. Makes a neat and symmetrical cluster. Many varieties send up a nice purple spike of flowers in the Spring.

IvyIvy comes in many varieties with big leaves, small leaves, dark greens, bright greens, yellows and whites. They cover the ground quickly and thrive in shade. But ivy will also cover your house if you let it. Every Spring (late winter, really), we cut back the ivy to keep it away from structures and trees we don’t want to destroy.

SedgeSedge is a grass that makes a nice border. It grows quickly and forms thick clumps. Thrives in sun or shade. Good beneath trees and in borders.

Black Mondo Grass – A real beauty in the garden, Black Mondo Grass rises about six inches above the ground with fine blades of purple-black grass. Grows slowly but easy to multiply by division. Fond of shadier spots.

Fall Planting Starts Now

There you have it – Fall Planting in Cary Parts 1 & 2.

Take advantage of the long planting season this year and put something in the ground this Labor Day Weekend.


Photo by CameliaTWU.


The Gardening Column on CaryCitizen is sponsored by Garden Supply Company on Old Apex Road in Cary.

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Cary Art Loop Comes Full Circle

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Cary, NC – The Cary Art Loop was founded in 2005, but for years the group had no central voice getting the monthly art show information out to the public. The monthly receptions held by the Town at Page-Walker, Town Hall and other public venues were publicized in the Town blasts, but other member galleries seemed paralyzed with a non-functioning website and no central leader to gather info and coordinate the monthly event.

Enter Anthony Miles and Anna Smith, owners of Studio 180, who re-created the group’s website and finished official filing for 501(c)3 non-profit status this Spring.
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