Art of Cool Jazz Music Fest: April 24-26 in Durham
Durham, NC — The 2015 Art of Cool Music Fest, a three-day jazz festival featuring 40 different bands and performers, takes place in Downtown Durham next weekend, April 24-26, 2015. Read more
Durham, NC — The 2015 Art of Cool Music Fest, a three-day jazz festival featuring 40 different bands and performers, takes place in Downtown Durham next weekend, April 24-26, 2015. Read more
Durham, NC — The Heart of Carolina, a local barbershop harmony men’s choir, is celebrating their new title as the 2015 Carolinas District Champion after their winning performance in a competition for North and South Carolina a cappella groups. Read more
Cary, NC — VocalMotion, an all-volunteer adult show choir sponsored by SAS Institute in Cary, will host exciting performances this week, March 5-8, 2015, to raise money for the Triangle Aphasia Project (TAP), a compassionate program that helps individuals suffering from communication impairments. Read more
Cary, NC — Time is of the essence as Panther Creek High School rushes to recover from being “snowed in” last week and prepares for this weekend’s indoor band competition on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Erin Simanskis, Panther Creek’s Communications Coordinator (and proud drumline mom), shares with us a “behind the scenes” look at this large-scale competition, which will host 45 student percussion and winter guard groups. Read more
Cary, NC — Attention all Cary area music teachers, band directors, and parents of student musicians: The Cary Town Band is currently seeking wind/percussion instrumental students to sit in and play with the band for both a series of rehearsals and for a formal concert held at the Cary Arts Center on Friday, March 27, 2015. Read more
Cary, NC — There is definitely more local music in Cary than there was a decade ago. But that doesn’t mean everybody’s happy. Read more
Kevan Hester will open School of Rock in Cary’s Maynard Crossing Shopping plaza in mid-February 2015.
Cary, NC — Cary is getting just a little bit hipper. In mid-February 2015, Kevan Hester will open a School of Rock franchise in the long-empty former home of Wolf Camera in the Maynard Crossing Plaza on High House Road.
Cary, NC — The Billy Jonas Band, a group known for their “funky folk music for the whole family,” is coming to the Cary Theater on January 10, 2015. I interviewed Billy Jonas, the band’s lead guitarist and vocalist, to find out more about the group and about what makes their concerts so fun. Read more
Cary, NC — The Concert Singers of Cary will be kicking off their season with a bang! They will perform two very different concerts in a short span of six days.