From the blog of Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht, covering the week through September 11, 2011. In compliance with North Carolina election law, CaryCitizen has edited Harold’s Blog this week if necessary to omit any campaign-related references. You can read Harold’s Blog in its complete form at http://haroldweinbrecht.com. Photo by Hal Goodtree.
September 11, 2011, Cary, NC – Today is a day of solemn remembrance. As I write this journal I remember the nearly 3,000 people that lost their lives ten years ago and the thousands of others whose lives were drastically impacted. If you are religious, I would invite you to join me in prayer on this day.
This week kept me busy as mayor with the Chamber Banquet, a work session, a council meeting, a forum, and the 911 ceremony. Read more